Mr Richard Napier is a Consultant Knee Surgeon based in Belfast Specialising in Adult and Children’s Knee Conditions
Children’s Knee Surgeon Belfast
Knee Surgeon Belfast
The goal of any treatment, surgical or non surgical should be to restore you back to doing what you enjoy and keeping you active
Services are accessible to everyone, whether you’re insured through a major health insurance company or seeking private treatment as an individual.
Please contact your insurer prior to your clinic appointment.
Musgrave House Clinic
Ulster Independent Clinic
Mr. Richard Napier, Consultant Knee Surgeon, consults with patients at the Ulster Independent Clinic and Musgrave House Private Clinic.
He offers specialised knee care and comprehensive treatment plans at both locations for both Adults and Children.
How soon can I return to sport after an ACL Reconstruction?
Current evidence suggests waiting at least 12 months before returning to competitive sports, as the graft continues to mature even beyond this point. Completing a structured return-to-play protocol tailored to your specific sport is crucial. Keep in mind that even after 12 months, adequate rehabilitation is necessary to ensure you are physically ready and minimize the risk of reinjury.
When can I resume driving after Total Knee Replacement?
Recovering the ability to drive safely after knee replacement surgery typically takes several weeks, as it depends on regaining confidence, mobility, and strength. The timeline varies depending on whether it’s your right or left knee and if your car is automatic or manual. Most patients are able to resume driving around six weeks post-surgery. However, it’s your responsibility to ensure you can safely perform an emergency stop and maintain full control of the vehicle before returning to driving.
How long will I be in hospital after Total Knee Replacement?
Most patients stay in the hospital for 1 to 2 days following a total knee replacement. The exact length of stay depends on factors such as your overall health, recovery progress, pain management, and mobility. Increasingly some patients are being discharged on the same day if they meet specific recovery criteria and have adequate support at home.
When can my child return to school after surgery?
Almost ever procedure on a child’s knee should aim to have a minimal impact on school absence. If your child can safely travel to school and access toilet facilities, they can typically return within 48 hours after surgery.
Why might I need X-rays if I have had an MRI Scan?
X-rays are particularly useful for long-term monitoring and assessing disease progression. Unlike MRIs, X-rays can be taken while standing or in various degrees of knee flexion, providing valuable insights into how your knee functions during activities like walking, climbing stairs, or rising from a chair. MRI is best for looking at the soft tissues in and around the knee.
Should my child miss PE if they are recovering from a knee injury?
Physical education (PE) plays a key role in promoting children’s health and social connections. If your child cannot fully participate in certain activities due to their knee injury, it’s important to work with the school to implement reasonable adjustments. This way, they can safely engage in modified physical training appropriate for their recovery.
When is it appropriate to stop taking pain medication after a Total Knee Replacement?
Pain relief medications may have side effects, but it is crucial to continue taking them in the early weeks after surgery. This ensures you can complete your rehabilitation exercises effectively. If moving your knee is painful, it’s better to take pain relief and keep the knee moving rather than avoiding movement. This approach helps prevent post-operative stiffness and aids in recovery.