Return to Play

Return to Play testing

A key part of injury prevention is having a safe evidenced based system in place for players returning from a period of time out of the game.

It is important to have a structured protocol for returning to sport after a period of time out due to injury so that athletes can safely return to play without risking re-injury.

Individualisation: Return to play (RTP) protocols must be tailored to the specific injury, sport, and player profile.

Some of the testing criteria utilised to assess suitability to RTP include:

  • Single leg hop for distance
  • Single triple leg hop for distance
  • Single triples crossover hop for distance
  • Box drop vertical jump
  • Modified agility T-test
  • ACL RSI Scale

If the RTP testing has been successfully completed the athlete may commence a graduated return to competitive sport.

Communication: Effective communication among the athlete, coaching staff, medical team, & family (if applicable) is essential to ensure understanding & adherence to the RTP plan and setting realistic goals for a return to full competitive play.

Click on the image below for a guide to developing a Return To Play Protocol tailored for your team/club.

Return to play Guidance RNapier